Mark is an exceptional lawyer. He is skilled in his field, dedicated to his clients and upholds the highest level of professional standards. I endorse him without reservation.
I have known Mark for many years. He is one of a few attorneys of whom I refer personal injury cases (because of his knowledge of the law, professionalism, ability to communicate well with clients and the favorable results he achieves for his clients). Mark is well-respected in the legal community and is well-versed in the area of personal injury law.
I have great respect for Mark. He is very honest and ethical, highly capable as a litigator, and truly enjoys the practice of law. He is a fine representative of our profession.
Mark Cornelius is an exemplary attorney. He is dedicated and knowledgeable. He can be counted on to get the job done in a professional manner.He has graciously shared his knowledge and experience with our firm on numerous ocasions and assisted us in analyzing cases.
I am a circuit court judge in Daytona Beach and he generally practices in Orlando. He appeared before me in a very complicated legal malpractice case on a motion to dismiss for fraud which required extensive prehearing preparation. His extensive brief was well written and his argument was outstanding. He was able to answer my questions objectively and was both courteous and respectful to his opponent. He is a superb lawyer.